Monday, February 24, 2020

Answer the three question separately Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Answer the three question separately - Assignment Example The people have the ultimate voice in choosing the source of government authority, which drives its right to govern from their consent. The people have their freedom of speech with the government and know their rights. The most important key that the opposition plays is also to push the government to set a balance wage, to all employees within the country. To ensure that the society is democratic, the primary values of constitutional democracy have to mirror human dignity, freedom of individuals, and the worth of every person within the society. To begin with challenging the ideas that the only proper criterion, in which a decision would be judged. Therefore, this right should be complete to life aspects such as employment rights, social rights, health care, the economy, and education. Every, individual including children, young people, and both women and men of older age have their rights. Additionally, democracy creates a further income of sources within the counties to ensure that every resource is protected. This may include cash crops, or any resources that may bring funds in the society, whether in rural or urban areas. However, the most important component of constitutional democracy is its highest purpose in securing freedom, which has the highest value in healthy functioning of a country. This is necessary since every individ ual working late hour while running a business or any companies that operate in the night requires the freedom to operate. Democracy gives good protection of people’s properties to the security of the government. However, constitution laws do not rely on one side of politics or any other political parties. The Constitution allows judges to rule according to the constitution rights of the human. Hence, if the court fails to rule on their complaints with constitutional rights, they would be able to protest

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Masculinities in the Television Series, Friends Essay

Masculinities in the Television Series, Friends - Essay Example I have looked into how Joey and Chandler mutually engage with each other, in what context this takes place, and what structures it. How does this relate to the 'real' world' Karen Walker discusses how men and women relate their behavior and conceptualize personal relations within cultural ideologies of relations (Walker: 126). Walker's argument is that most writers on friendships fail to grasp that there are differences between the (gendered) cultural ideologies and social reality. Cultural ideologies signify models and ideals that society and culture enforce upon the sexes. The depiction of Joey and Chandler may serve to counter work dominant ideologies of buddy relations representing homosociality. The concept of homosociality refers 'specifically to the non-sexual attractions held by men (or women) for members of their own sex.' (Bird: 120) Within this framework of interpretation, writers have acknowledged certain elements as vital to social interaction among men. Incapability of displaying emotions is one element, homophobia is another. Cultural norms are powerful in this sense, because they work as blueprints for how men and women perceive friendships are supposed to be (Walker: 126). She claims that few writers have noticed that we must theorize friendships (like all other gendered activity) within a cyclical framework where cultural ideologies inform gendered social interaction, as well as pay attention to how people merge and make sense of structuring elements and behavior. Far too often writers isolate the ideology of gender, and leave out the context and specific practice that people carry out. Men in their late 20s or early 30s usually defined masculinity as performance, which is, continuously reflecting upon their own personality, identity and behavior. Thus, they reflect what is referred to as by Anthony Giddens' that in 'modern society individuals are involved in an ongoing reflexive project of the self.' Giddens claims that people in the West are increasingly aware of a 'pure relation', one that enables one to know someone else fully and in to the most profound depth. Let's discuss how Joey and Chandler are clearly positioning themselves within the gendered ideologies of men's relations. They find it problematic to express emotional care and interest in each other since this opposes to what they know is socially acceptable for heterosexual men to do as partly due to heterosexual constraints on men's emotional presence (Joyrich 1996). There are significant differences between what we say and what we do, as Walker (Walker: 126) points out. She questions whether men's and women's same-sex friendships differ distinctively, disagreeing that men's friendships are motivated by activity, while women emphasise the importance of sharing feelings in friendships with other women. She reflects similar attitudes, finding a gap between the collective 'tough' masculinity, and the individual men's experiences and attitudes. Cultural ideologies were not powerful enough to disable the people she interviewed from making their own friendships in practice differ signif icantly from the norm. Walker contrasts these

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Choose a AHp Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Choose a AHp - Research Paper Example 1). The professionals’ roles also include evaluating the nature of patients’ needs at an accident scene or emergency room and making decisions on the appropriate action for saving the patients’ lives. Such decisions may be treating the patients and connecting life support machines to sustain the patients’ lives before access special treatments. Further to their independent care services, paramedics work closely with other health care professionals such as nurses, patients’ relatives, and safety offices such as the police and fire service officers (NHS Careers, n.d.). One of the identifiable characteristics of paramedics is their consistency as the first care personnel to arrive at an accident site. They are also conspicuous in emergency care rooms. In accident scenes, paramedics work in pairs and with an ambulance but are sometimes assisted by a care assistant or technician. There are however cases where paramedics work alone and may use a â€Å"mo torbike, emergency response car or even a bicycle† (NHS Careers, n.d., p. 1). A paramedic can also serve as an air ambulance crew but this requires more training (NHS Careers, n.d.). ... Lack of their skills would worsen the already realized conditions among patients. The accident involved a collapsed building that trapped victims under the ramble. While people were still stranded on how to overcome the resultant dust and rescue the victims, a team of paramedics arrived with their protective masks and was able to rescue most of the victims. The team was also able to offer first aid care and put victims who were already unconscious on oxygen support as they were rushed to the nearest hospital. Even though some of the victims succumbed to the accident, it was clear that the number of fatalities would have been more had it not been for the role of the paramedics. I also chose the profession because of its diversified scope that extends to elements of the mainstream healthcare professions. Paramedics can offer primary care and their quick response guarantees emergency care and these makes it fundamental to people’s lives and the society’s quality of life. P aramedics are certified after completing a university course in paramedic science, entry into which is subject to a threshold pass in final secondary education. The minimum qualifications from secondary school further include pass in English and Mathematics but the exact marks for the qualifications may vary from one institution to another. A valid driving license is another entry requirement into the profession and corresponds to the paramedics operations with ambulances. Further professional training is also necessary into the profession’s practice. Paramedic profession, like many others, operates under professional bodies. In the United States, the profession lacks a national professional body but there exist regional

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Human Resource Management Training Proposal Research Paper

Human Resource Management Training Proposal - Research Paper Example It can enable to address the employees’ requirements in keeping with the organizational goals and objectives. The proposed training program can facilitate to enhance the level of motivation of employees as well owing to the fact that they can better equip themselves to the expected level of performance from them after the execution of the training program. Overview of the Human Resource Management Process and Steps Involved Human Resource Management (HRM) is gaining its importance in the healthcare sector. Proper human resource management is a critical aspect which helps in providing high quality healthcare. Human resource planning is important for determining the staff support required by the healthcare to meet the service seekers’ needs. Human resource planning is the process of identifying current and future needs of human beings in an organization. The steps involved in the planning of human resource involve review of the business goals which deals with understandin g the needs and the future objective of the business. The second step is the scanning of both the internal and external environment to determine the trend of the employees, policies implemented along with evaluating the culture and activities within the healthcare company. The third step is gap analysis which facilitates to determine the future needs and explores the possible shortfalls. Subsequently, development of the plans considering the budgets and priorities based on need of the healthcare company would be executed. The last step is to evaluate the performance by measuring the achievement of the goals, evaluating the progress of the strategies implemented along with the reports. The steps of the proposed human resource planning are depicted through the diagram below: Source: (New Foundland Labrador, n.d.) The planning process will be effective when the recruitment process is smooth and effective. To make the process of hiring, retention well-organized and to ensure consistency in the process of recruitment along with selection various steps are to be followed to make the progression efficient. The first step is to identify the vacancy and to evaluate the need. The human resource management training need to ensure that there is a proper alignment of the skills of the new employees with the organizational requirements. The second step is job description which is important for the successful recruitment process. The job description helps in forming the questions for the interview along with the relevant checks which are to be developed. The information about the work, the purpose and the responsibility will be discussed to recruit the right person. The third step is to develop the recruitment plan which deals with the posting period, goals of the placement, along with placing advertisement through print and social media. The recruitment plan is basically done to attract good qualified candidates for the job purpose in the healthcare company. The fourth step involves selection of the search committee who will be responsible for the recruitment. The committee includes the hiring manager, job specialist and other members. The fifth step is to implement the recruitment plan and then sixth step is to review the applicants and shortlist the candidates according to the health care company’s available vacancy. The next step is the important part which is the interviewing process for the selection purpose. Before the interview is to