Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Hypocritical America Essay

Hypocrisy is an act of condemning another person’s act without realizing one’s own characteristic towards being guilty of the same aspect of correspondence. (Wikipedia, 2007). Most of the time, this form of behavior to whom it is associated to is subject to be attributed to the environmental factor while the acts of an observed individual is interpreted to be an innate characteristic of doing wrongful acts. In modern times, hypocrisy is also well identified. Apparently, the world also finds America to be guilty of such hypocritical acts. Why does the world seem to single out America on hypocrisy? Basically, it seems that the international community is very aware how the country responds to the different elemental factors happening in the world. Let us see some good examples. We can begin in the aspect of building arms and military might. It is very obvious that each country should at least have a form of security measures in order to protect it from external intrusions. Thus, weapons should be fabricated and acquired by any nation who wishes to protect them. However, America apparently keeps on monitoring the entire world’s activities and sometimes even interferes to initiate a common consensus among its allies to prevent one country from producing these armaments. In extreme cases, it (America) is very sensitive when it comes to other states producing their own nuclear facilities and always justifies that it may be used to destabilize the peace and order in the world. America just ignores the fact that it is actually one of the biggest keepers of nuclear arsenal in the entire international community (Gibson, 1996). In terms of capitalistic approach, the US is also perceived to be very deceitful. When an American investor unit wishes to enter a certain market, especially those of the third-world group, it imposes a certain range of requirements instead of following the legal process in the country. Many of the local businessmen in these poor nations are not really optimistic that they will get a fair share in the market with the presence of a US brand competitor. It is very obvious for this factor to be realized because of quite numerous protests in each country which the US investors try to settle in (People’s Daily, 2000). One more aspect of hypocrisy of the US, according to how the world takes it, is its complete intention to manipulate and interfere in the government processes of other states. For example, if a certain nation is going to apply for a loan with the IMF or World Bank (which both have very high influence states from the US), there will always be a type of bargaining agreement aside from the actual supposedly credit money factors. There is always a requirement to let the United States to impose whatever it sees fitting to a domestic problem of a particular country. Some people say that the act of hypocrisy can sometimes be very beneficial to a society since it actually exposes the harsh truth that concerns and problems abound in this world and that resolutions are not always sufficient to solve them. However, in the case of the United States, there is a growing perception that the country is no longer capable of sustaining the supposedly â€Å"good† effects of hypocrisy since it only considers its total welfare over its relations to other nations. In any case, if there are too many individuals who are no longer satisfied with how the world works, it is very possible for them to initiate an act which will result to undesirable consequences not only for America but also for the whole international community. It would be very ideal for the US to reconsider its policies to maintain a sound relationship with other nations in the world. References Gibson, J. 1996. Complete List of All U. S. Nuclear Weapons. Nuclear Weapons Archive. Retrieved November 20, 2007 from http://nuclearweaponarchive. org/Usa/Weapons/Allbombs. html. People’s Daily. 2000. China Protest Against US Arms Sales to Taiwan. People’s Daily. Retrieved November 20, 2007 from http://english. peopledaily. com. cn/english/200004/09/eng20000409_38583. html. Wikipedia. 2007. Hypocrisy. Wikipedia-The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved November 20, 2007 from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Hypocrisy.

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