Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Non Verbal Communication in Daily Life free essay sample

What you do, says more than the words you use. Nonverbal communication accounts for themajority of what is heard and understood by a listener. Nonverbal communication has theability to persuade, confuse and empower the people directly around you. When your verbalcommunication and nonverbal communication agree, the message you are communicatingwill be better understood and digested. Nonverbal communication can be defined as the communication that takes place withoutspoken words. By simply observing a person’s nonverbal communication, it can be easy toidentify when someone is not truly paying attention or simply does not care about what isbeing said. Nonverbal communication is important at all times, but can be especiallyimportant during the job interview process. Nonverbal communication begins the moment a resume is sent to a prospective employer. Ensuring that the nonverbal communication speaks in a positive way can be the first step inlanding your dream job. Eye contact during the job interview is extremely important. Maintaining consistent eyecontact with the interviewer shows that the applicant is interested in the company andunderstands what is being said. Also, if the applicant looks down throughout the interview, itgives the appearance of someone who is timid and unsure of himself or herself. A healthyamount of eye contact shows confidence and self-assurance by the interviewee. Arriving on time for the interview is another way that nonverbal communication speaksvolumes. Those who arrive early set a good tone for the rest of the interview. Arriving latemay indicate what type of employee the applicant would become. Employers will perceivethe applicant as someone that may arrive late to work as well. Job applicants need to be sure to curb any nervous mannerisms they may have. Twirling hair,picking fingernails, and swinging feet can be very distracting for the interviewer. Recognizing the importance of nonverbal communication is a key during the job searchprocess. From the application itself to the interview, all job applicants should remember to beaware of the nonverbal communication signals they may be sending. It is important for candidates interviewing for a job to be aware not only of the things theysay, but also of their nonverbal communication which can be just as telling as the answersthey provide during the interview. The first impression you make on the interviewer will go along way to deciding whether you will be considered for a second interview or not. By now you should be aware of the importance of being dressed appropriately for theinterviewwhich is one method of nonverbal behaviour your interviewer will take intoaccount. From the moment you walk in to the interview room the interviewer will bescrutinizing your body language to see if you show confidence, or if you are the type of person that gets easily distracted, for example. 1) Make eye-contact. Making good eye-contact during a job interview is important as it implies confidence. Whenmaking eye-contact do so in a natural manner don’t stare in a constant gaze at the interviewer as this will be off-putting for him/her. 2) Smile when appropriate Smiling at the right time will work in your favour when interviewing though avoid laughter unless the interviewer initiates it. Smiling portrays a positive, confident demeanor so be sureto smile at the appropriate moments during your interview. 3) Keep your arms relaxed rather than crossed in a tense position. Aside from what could be viewed as a defensive position, having your arms crossed does noteasily allow for taking notes or using your hands to gesture. You are best served by leavingyour arms res ted on the armrests on the chair or resting on a notepad on your lap. ) Get your posture right. It is important to avoid slouching in your chair as this may be perceived as showing a lack of interest in the job which will seriously harm any chance you had of getting the job. Try to situp straight and refrain from fidgeting as this will be annoying for the person interviewingyou. Avoid looking overly relaxed as this could hint at an air of cockiness on your behalf,which is a trait that your interviewer will not be seeking in prospective employees. Most interviewers will allow for the fact that interviewing can be nervous occasions for mostpeople so won’t be too harsh on you if your non verbal behaviour is not 100% correct but besure to adhere to the important ones outlined in this post if you want to give asuccessfulinterview. When we think of communication at work or on the job, most of us think of what we actuallysay or what is said to us. We think of the conversations we have or how our supervisor tellsus what is expected. Dealing with the verbal communication is challenging enough andlearning how to respond and behave professionally in accordance is important. In addition tothe verbal communication, however, there is also the nonverbal communication to contendwith. It can be just as important to pay attention to HOW things are said or the ways our coworkers stand, look, and maneuver around the workplace to understand what is trulyhappening. Of course, communication is multi-facetedwhether we are at work or in other areas of our lives. At work, however, so much can be at stake and we may have to actually work with avariety of individuals who we probably wouldnt choose as friends or partners if we were theones doing the choosing. This can make communication an even greater challenge. When itcomes to nonverbal cues, they can be especially important since people may be trying tospeak as they think they SHOULD in the workplace. What should you look for when trying to read nonverbal communication? Notice how aperson stands or his or her posture. Are they standing in a relaxed and open stance or are theyhunched over, arms crossed, or even avoiding turning to face you all the way? If a personkeeps his or her body turned to the side or avoids a direct approach, this can definitely signala lack of comfort, trust or openness. Does the co worker look you in the eyes or avoid eyecontact (keep in mind that this can be a cultural difference as well as a nonverbal cue of avoidance)? Keep in mind that this is not an exercise in judgment, nor is the goal to getpeople to change who they areit is simply another way of understanding what is being saidand done on the job. If you can read what people are telling you with their bodylanguageand nonverbal cues, you may be able to communicate better yourself while at work.

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